Terry White Catalogue - 18/06-07/07/2020 (Page 2)

how can pain affect your relationships? does pain make you snap at your chronic pain is a condition that can not only affect the person extend to relationships with your the inability to interact emotionally staying close to your loved ones may help you cope with daily living pain-and-relationships for tips to support better communication with your loved ones the importance of movement in pain management that most of us just don't feel like how important movement is in shown that regular exercise can ease pain in the long term by improving linked to the release of endorphins believed to make you happy find time to move every day! can eating healthy really help ease pain? just as food is linked to so many aspects how we experience and manage pain eating the right amount of food from improve energy levels and help maintain by even 1kg significantly reduces the to reduce pressure and pain you might meet all your vitamin and mineral needs which in turn can improve your mood how's that for feel-good? of people suffering from chronic pain in australia are also living with depression and anxietyo australians were living with chronic pain in 2018 53.8% women 46.2% meno choose healthy foods range of nutrients twice a week is a great way to get plenty of omega-3 fatty acids and zinc and so on