Calgary Co-op Flyer - 02/11-02/17/2021 (Page 2)

pork loin centre chops bone-in value pack 100% western canadian founders farmers founders 33 farmers parmesan cheese oliwieri olivier founders & farmers parmesan cheese olivieri filled fresh pasta or skillet gnocchi founders farmers founders farmers founders vehite brea farmers pun lang vole when bread prepared in-store berlin seedless grapes imported greek or broccoli chickpea salad founders & farmers bread white or 100% whole wheat french varis vanlief cancer deligh delight international hazelnut crack barri doub chedda the original toral cracker barrel tex mex cernational loriginal delight ahoy ordinas grigina international delight creamers 946ml select varieties cracker barrel shredded cheese christie cookies uncle bens hellmann's hellmann's clomer uncle bens ouvol clover flared light tuna tuaciduchttuna fast & fan vite & bo hellmanns real vrat fast & fancy vite & bon real vraie ciones tuin fured light clomer dugnt tuma uncle ben's fast & fancy rice hellmann's mayonnaise clover leaf tuna flat iron steak grilled flat iron steak with butter poached lobster make easy shop online feast make it tonight easy.fresh.local for your valentine ingredients how to make it • 4 flat iron steaks • 4-8 lobster claws add the steaks and let marinate for 30 minutes to 1 hout chopped • % cup oll • 1 cup butter melt and infuse the butter bay leaf pepper sliced • salt and pepper warm in the butter and season with lemon juice and green onions enjoy! brie my valentines find this month's featured cheese in the deli and as our inspiration for our pizza tonight recipe