Dominion Flyer - 07/22-07/28/2021 (Page 4)

locally farmed locally found randsland farms inc randsland farms has called the annapolis valley home since gorgeous green vegetable canada canada canada dill cucumbers product of canada green zucchini product of canada cabbage product of canada canada canada canada canada herto cherto 255 g or product of canada pc live lettuce green red & green or trio product of canada 2's live letice laive vivante farmer's market yellow plums product of canada vero canada canada canada cremini pc organics portobello mushroom caps product of canada 4's pc organics whole white or cremini mushrooms product of canada farmer's market mini cucumbers product of canada fonso kushtri min cucumbers moni concombres rtchello tut atlantic canada canada belleisle coleslaw product of atlantic canada belleiste pc russet potatoes produet of canada green zucchini product of canada russet farm garen nikese cole slaw salade de choux political units canada canada multi canada less than 2 $3.99 ea bunched radish product of canada each pc sweet peppers mini product of canada camino sweet peppers poivrons doux mini large broccoli product of canada welct of cucarauca