Farm Boy Flyer - 04/08-04/14/2021 (Page 8)

simple solutions make any night pizza night with our ready-to-customize pizza crusts! perfect for the sure to load up on all your 'zza must-haves and get building! farm boy com whole wheat wood oven style baon local sreshinose brm berare basil pesto mozzarella semi-soft cheese zone sole local farm bor flame baked vrig nal use our farm boy giadiniera to take your sandwich game to the next level! this zingy relish features a mix of premium veggies and will pack another level of this week's brilliant open-faced roast beef naan-wich recipe - find it on page 7 or naturals subtlar sliced roast beef man classique cuit sur flamme giardiniera valor nutritive lovelser mild farm bop yegan black bean penne yegan feta style new extra virgin guve oil gluten free cheer alternative see penne aux haricots noirs vegetalen - sans gluten