No Frills Flyer - 08/18-08/24/2022 (Page 3)

we know local local grower feature hillside gardens farmer's tark dros wmache bartlett twirk paret romaine hearts online prod nfo farmer's market carrots or yellow onions carottes ou oignons jaunes fed farmer's drices marche blue grapes product of ontario farmer's market™ nectarines farmer's market yellow nectarines pectarines jaunes bartlett pears product of ontario extra fancy grade raisins bleus ou poires bartlett soc nes ♡ foodland ontario produced here romaine hearts product of canada cœurs de romaine foodland ontario farmer's market red or yellow potatoes product of ontario canada no.1 grade pommes de terre → foodland ontario produced here green onions or radishes product of canada bunch oignons verts ou radis farmers maga delos marche carrots carottes lynnie sue's foodland ontario field tomatoes product of ontario or small white potatoes tomates des champs ou petites pommes de terre blanches cam or less than fresh from the fara vegg product of ontario tomates pour sauce ou comichons à mariner ou aubergine ou poivrons verts foodland contario areen canada produced here celery product of canada céleri foodland ontario field cucumbers product of ontario concombres des champs foodland ontario