Mercadona Folleto - 01.06-30.06.2023 (Página 13)

Mercadona Folleto - 01.06-30.06.2023 (Página 13)

Productos en este folleto

mat roy-crn ogue ofer antil you ded apply one vial each day for tinati shock plan meso-anti-cellulite concentrate cellulite through the lipolytic and fat burning action of caffeine and carnitine the draining effect of artichoke extract and the combination of antioxidant vitamins mangan concentrado • acción lipolítica ação lipolitico stree meso-anticelulítico tratamiento corporal intensivo tratamento corporal intensivo reestructurante reestruturante reductoro redutoro deliplus may tip dead sea mineral exfoliant emphasise the effect of the anti-cellulite treatments treating the skin with a mineral body exfoliant with dead sea minerals once a week and pleasantly perfumed exfoliante mineral mar muerto mar morto de plus