Avon Catalogue - 2022/01/03-2022/02/02 (Page 4)

overcome every challenge & become the best you can be of profits from these products donated to our charity partners* using the power of beauty to transform women's lives avon end violence against women we believe in listening to women's needs and speaking out with them we use our voice to draw attention to issues that affect women in our communities avon breast cancer promise avon foundation for women we help women to overcome & • our breast cancer promise our efforts to end violence against women & girls & our commitment to our planet we have been championing for women for over 135 years & we are not about to stop! med buy a pin & help us stand together pins for purpose limited edition silver-toned pin with diamanté each proceeds raised go towards breast cancer awareness and education in south africa as well as the support of our front-line service partners to help end violence against women 'look good feel better cansa| wings of hope journeysys tears foundation and chidrenilitha labantu & yokhuselo haven to help end violence against women all limited edition