Clicks Catalogue - 2023/04/01-2023/04/30 (Page 63)

Clicks Catalogue - 2023/04/01-2023/04/30 (Page 63)
wellbeing how to forgive getting to a place of forgiveness and health is possible but it requires to dig really deep to reach psychologist in private practice in stellenbosch "the most important thing is acknowledging the pain that the person has caused - what has that pain meant to you and how it has manifested or affected you" talking through these issues read more! are you guilty of toxic forgiveness? could talk with a loved one clinical psychologist "it's also important to accept that you can't change the has happened but now the focus is on dealing with it," explains that you can use an empathic approach to both yourself and your partner to understand what happened and unpack questions of 'why' and 'how' the hurtful behaviour unfolded