Cyber Monday 2021 in South Africa

Everyone knows that there are a lot of amazing sales on Black Friday, but are you aware that Cyber Monday deals can help you save just as much? Many people forget about this day because it is overshadowed by Black Friday. In reality, many online stores offer discounts and promoted products equally if not more.

Some consumers argue that they find even more value in the Cyber Monday specials owing to the process and convenience of shopping. Consumers take part in this holiday through the Internet in the comfort of their own homes. There is no need to leave the house to go shopping, and the planning process is much easier. One can prep for the Cyber Monday by making accounts with your favourite online shops. After, you can continuously add items of interest to your shopping cart before this day!


Popular Cyber Monday stores in South Africa

Cell C catalogue
House & Home catalogue
Pick n Pay catalogue
OK Furniture catalogue
Game catalogue
Clicks catalogue
Avon catalogue
SPAR catalogue
Dis-Chem catalogue
Makro catalogue
Shoprite catalogue
HiFi Corp catalogue

What is Cyber Monday?

Cyber Monday is originally a holiday from the USA. It came as an extension to Black Friday, and this period symbolized the beginning of shopping for winter holidays and gifts. Because the sales of that day were so high, retailers decided to extend the session to the next Monday to keep the sales coming. They didn’t want to fully replicate Black Friday, so they created an online version. Both of these days eventually migrated to other countries around the globe including South Africa. Cyber Monday has become an international sensation since shops provide consumers with huge deals.

Cyber Monday in South Africa is obviously not as prominent as its American counterpart. However, this does not mean that it is anywhere near small. Many vendors in the country prepare for big promotions, and they use this occasion as a way to increase their turnover. Cyber Monday is beneficial for the retailer, as well as for the customer. Check online to see which of your beloved local stores have already announced their Cyber Monday special deals and discounts. If you are looking for something in particular, it is better to do your research early to be prepared!

When is Cyber Monday 2021?

As always, Cyber Monday is the first Monday following the American holiday, Thanksgiving. The Cyber Monday date in 2021 is November 29th. This means it is better to start preparing right now if you can. Below is a chart that includes the dates for the recent past and upcoming future Cyber Mondays. It is always good to be prepared with the information you may need in the future.


November 26th


December 2nd


November 30th


November 29th


November 28th


November 29th


December 2nd

What to Buy on Cyber Monday?

The deals present on Cyber Monday range all product categories. Since everything is online, the sky is really your limit. The sales most traditionally feature electronic products, but they have eventually evolved to umbrella much more. As stated earlier, if you are looking for a specific product, be sure to do your research ahead of time. Preparation is key. If you search for the product on Cyber Monday, you may be scrambling for time with way too many tabs open. Look beforehand to make sure everything on your list is checked off and available. Here is a list of some product categories that will be promoted.

Where to Find the Best Cyber Monday Deals in South Africa?

The choice of shops and stores with Cyber Monday promotions in South Africa are truly contingent on your needs and preferences. Many consumers are looking to find item promotions on different types of products. Since most retailers are offering deals and sales, you should figure out what you are looking for before settling on the stores you would like to visit on Cyber Monday.

Decide if you are looking for promotions on clothing, furniture, electronic, etc. After you make these decisions, try to come up with a list of items that you are hoping to find. Once these categories and subcategories are all sorted out, you can begin the next step of selecting Cyber Monday vendors for you.

Since you may need to make multiple purchases, it is best to try to condense the stores you are shopping at if possible. Do not forget that you might need to account for shipping! Look at your list of items and see which products you can group together that you can find in one store. This way you will not get confused about the number of carts you have open and making sure you do not forget any items along the way. This Cyber Monday tactic helps to stay organized and stress-free.

All Cyber Monday Sales Specials on Rabato!

Cyber Monday is already a much easier “shopping trip” than Black Friday. You do not have to worry about traffic or getting to the physical stores. However, due to the convenience of the holiday, more people are prepared and ready to shop. Because of this, items get sold out much faster. Sometimes a product that you have been relentlessly waiting to buy will no longer be available if you are not quick enough. It is important to stay on your toes and plan for the purchases you want to make.

A good way to plan is to scope out what Cyber Monday specials in South Africa are available. Many stores post sneak peeks of their deals to help you plan your purchases. It can be overwhelming to look for all the featured products without any help, but might be able to help you! Rabato is a website that organizes all promotional flyers and catalogues for different stores. It is always up to date and will keep you updated with the latest Cyber Monday deals. Using Rabato will transform your experience and make your online shopping spree even easier!

Try using Rabato today to begin planning. Cyber Monday is right around the corner, so you want to start organizing your carts as soon as possible. To be sure to receive all the items that you have been waiting for, you need to be the most prepared. All you need to do is visit the website, search for your favorite online stores, and check their weekly catalogues to see if they have any Cyber Monday deals. Retail stores make announcements all the time, so make sure you are checking often to stay current and up to date. Save today with Rabato!