Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/05/17-2019/06/16 (Page 26)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/05/17-2019/06/16 (Page 26)
and antioxidants and help reduce cholesterol ryvita original free nutritious oats can help lower cholesterol and because on any lifestyle food rice cakes control blood pressure and optimize heart health its soluble fibre can also reduce cholesterol ryvita lifestyle food brown rice lifestyle white rice cake yeast flakes provide the full spectrum of ryvita crisp bread made with 100% wholegrain rye save 700 lifestyle food rice cakes air popped source of protein and naturally gluten free assorted abys butrinuts nutrinu gaby's mixed nuts natural or salted jumbo peanuts macadamias walnuts and brazil nuts in variable proportions 1kg save 200 cashews almonds gaby's natural almonds enjoy unsalted roasted almonds as a snack or use them as ingredients for your baking or cooking needs 1kg save 2000 nutrinuts cashews dry roasted and salted high levels of iron and manganese save 500 nutrinuts almonds dry roasted and salted almonds are packed with vitamins and fibre save 500 health connection wholefoods fels castro winds almond flour this coarsely ground flour provides a slightly flavour to baked products save 30% wala gluten-free rolled oats oats are by their nature high in kernels used to produce these oat flakes have been farmed on dedicated oat-growing fields save 100 coconut flour this organic coconut flour adds a delicious flavour and sweet aroma lo baked products save 46 yeast flakes this deactivated dried yeast has cheese-like flavour save 19