Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2020/06/19-2020/07/12 (Page 17)

Products in this catalogue

dis-chem wellness clinic health services baby immunisations focus on baby medical aid health assessments immunisations infectious diseases can affect blood pressure the best way to protect and maintain your baby's health glucose screening cholesterol screening diseases may even be eliminated full lipogram screening immunisation is dangerous hba1c screening as hazardous diseases can re-occur and devastate communities peak flow and nebulisation hiv pre and post counselling and testing administration of medication vitamin c and zinc pap smear & hpv testing breast examination contraception service advice both play essential roles in immune system and general been shown to assist in prevention of health-conscious and well-nourished people may be safe than sorry simple wound care dis-chem clinic c.nnect let our qualified nurses and virtual doctors take care of you and your family introducing an innovative and convenient service for you and your family to receive tho best of care our doctor on call should you require further consultation or a repeat of your medication healthforce how does it work? history and clinical examination including additional tests and examination will be performed receive your medication from the pharmacist wellness flip catalogue over for value for women dis-chem pharmacies