Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/10/01-2019/11/30 (Page 6)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/10/01-2019/11/30 (Page 6)

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breaking the grass ceiling wellbeing & health one only needs to step outside on lebo malinga is always smiling vegetables that are actually fruit goals spring calls for an honest body assessment but the prospect is often daunting! the neck - back or shoulders - if your sitting posture isn't good how to ace exams without losing your cool preferred generic range means the highest quality medicines for you make you feel sick to your stomach! on the cover addressing stigma key to promoting mental health as we approach world mental health day on 10 october we shine a light on mental health what's all the hype? healthy diabetic diet ditch the itch we explore the causes how to effectively treat it to know about chickenpox and shingles on the cover your summer shape-up plan starts now follow lisa raleigh's simple fail-proof guide to fit and eating right in preparation for summer! ticker in top condition as september is heart awareness month we investigate how to keep your heart longer! sitting pretty ditch the itch achoo!