Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/10/01-2019/11/30 (Page 68)

ashleyhi wellness expert for dis-chem pharmacies has a wealth of experience in the vitamin supplement and nutrition environment and is on hand to help answer your questions email her at [email protected] vegetarianism in this day and age there are many more people who are choosing than a diet containing animal meat not eat any animal products such as do eat animal by-product such as reasons why people choose to follow this way of eating some personal carbon footprint is often due to the fact that animal meat contains a large amount of saturated beneficial for cardiovascular health by lowering cholesterol and it may also assist with improving blood sugar level following a vegetarian diet often means including a larger intake of plant-based natural foods and eliminates all animal meats which include the often is consumed necessarily the case and we need to treat each individual differently based on their requirements their recommended daily intake for their age and in terms of illness and medication; and of course the demands placed on that individual linked to their activity level and even their stress level get enough protein from plant make sure that they are eating is equally as important to ensure that they are consuming protein sources that non-essential amino acids; and therefore we must