Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/10/01-2019/12/31 (Page 60)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/10/01-2019/12/31 (Page 60)

Products in this catalogue

dis-chem's fresh android app on app download on the app store app store google play google play dis-chem's fresh-look app comes with tons of features to help make your life easier by vanessa papas dis-chem + winter survival deals discount deals winter survival guide 2019 special otters free others ja career and a happy family our health and wellbeing takes a backseat to all our other priorities it's difficult to stay on task and take care of yourself but it's one of the most important things you can to help you improve your health and achieve your wellness goals - all at the touch of a screen or click of a button! original dis-chem app was introduced to the market in 2017 and was the first app to be launched by a pharmacy in south meet siza - an intelligent digital assistant who helps with shop; while users can also conveniently book an appointment at order repeat prescriptions for you and your family shortcuts shop on our online store view our don card check the price of a product order new script view ou promotions end your dee make a new appointment view your repeats more loyalty prescriptions home