Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 24)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 24)
nicole nicole katzenellenbogen is a mom of two boys and a sensory integration occupational therapist she has been working in private practice for nine years and has a special interest in the younger says littiin how to give your child "the edge" am always amazed and interested when parents ask me this question? and i think i surprise them too when it is not the areas and to participate in a myriad of extra mural activities convey that it is not what we make our kids do and home and the daily support and interactions they start to become involved in simple activities which provide independence such as bringing a bowl for their we raise independent children it is not only about being the way they feel about themselves and their abilities are given freedom and independence in a responsible manner are intrinsically motivated and rely less have shown