Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 64)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 64)
sleep apnoea is not only an adult can suffer as well by dr gerald kaplan what is sleep apnoea? apnoea is defined as "the absence of breathing or the want of breath" when there is a cessation of airflow at the mouth and nose for more than to be suffering from sleep apnoea similarly with children what is snoring? it is basically like running water abnormally through the pipe it will with the airflow which is partially obstructed many people think that snoring and change in airflow through the nasal and patient may be suffering from apnoea further investigation by your doctor is required growth and development problems are highly allergic with the airway completely blocked due to tonsillar hypertrophy are already having snoring and breathing problems do not ignore them hyperactivity bedwetting · poor concentration • nocturnal mouth breathing developmental delay • snoring hypo nasal quality to their voice • restless sleep • noisy breathers nightmares • obesity • night terrors frequent upper airway infections • headaches • earaches chronic nose running speak to your child's doctor about the possibility of sleep apnoea and seek