Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 68)

man's best nyone who has shared their home with a pet - be it a cat finch can attest to the joy that word owning lightly because in the that they own us and certainly not all the formal studies that have been look no further than your facebook feed to get a real sense of what pets by far the most amazing aspect of owning a pet is the love they share doesn't really get much better than child the chance of experiencing that is a true gift therapeutic benefits is a slew of evidence stacking up showing that there are many health benefits that come been proven to reduce stress and pressure and improved heart health lives are becoming more stressful and children are increasingly affected by mental health issues like depression and doesn't mind what you wear branded clothing or how good your grades are can be a huge boost to positively with a pet stimulates that having more of these working good thing