Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/07/12-2019/09/23 (Page 81)

dis-chem supersta your handsome guy or gorgeous girl has a chance to shine! submit a high resolution photo of your child and he or she could be dis-chem parent & child's next cover superstar on our cover photos will automatically be disregarded his or her face must be in focus and photo must be well lit • the photo must be recent • your superstar must be dressed in clothes appropriate for the season only photos of children under 7 years old allowed group photos are children under 7 years child in the photo too written consent of the photographer to publish the image along with copyright of the image to pass on to dis-chem inspiration look at our previous covers! aremotumisheng noxolo who turns three at the enjoys singing gospel playing tennis mzondi rodgers mogoloboto mzondibird photography baby miestones mens old school play for 2111 century thinking muutako you nomumme intomolumn you need to know everything about asthma plourful thans www weight control from bump to baby this could be your kid! send us a short bio about your cover-model-to-be with his or that are not used for the cover might be printed inside the magazine at the discretion of the editorial team