Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2021/01/15-2021/02/07 (Page 8)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2021/01/15-2021/02/07 (Page 8)
back den school yov sady snacks & drinks ceres rascals bueno apple rascals asta fruity flavour new sas ncban kinder chocolate kinder chocolate was 28 save 200 save 503 save 10 save 450 kinder kinder bueno was 13 apple kinder joy character ceres liqui fruit 100% mister sweet gute was 15 for boys or girls 250ml assorted 50g! assorted nen cheapest monkey free bar free on any earth &ta pure energie sos fruit sacks 209 futu araba mesto all footy's soke products mart rush monkey ener ruti or grizzly bars нион protein was 18 kom shake sino otees futurelife energize futurelife high earth & co s.o.s drinking meal protein shake futurelife high bokomo otees fruit snack sugar free energy bar cereal bar jelly 100% fruit 4x40g i assorted discount to be deducted at tills cea kiwi new value kiwi shine & pack kiwi protect instant polish 30ml valued at 18% when you baby soft purchase kiwi quality shoe any two kiwi toilet rolls fresh polish paste value pack white quality shoe 12-pack polish paste softi 2-ply was 27 100ml products facial tissues off futurelife high energy sososos otocol school essentials free baby soft com living lunch bag floral lunch boxes & backpacks living lunch set living lunch bag plane gear laptop laptop backpack backpack grey black navy assorted receive an extra magical playing caroz pack when you buy any participating offer as indicated