Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2020/09/18-2020/10/18 (Page 11)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2020/09/18-2020/10/18 (Page 11)

Products in this catalogue

dis-chem brands fewer rands bowel balance progast dis-chem senna tabs now only one dis-chem cheve dis-chem gold pre & pro biotic strain senna bowel balance progast gastrointestinal support drops som gold pre & pro biotic was 189 xtensiflora digestive care & probiotics focus aps iberogast 50ml drops was 224 iberogast vivomixx 112bn probiotic health supplement will you ! koarel kolorex intestinal cleans digestive care imsyse kolorex digestive care kolorex digestive care 30 softgel capsules probiotics probiotics are made of good live bacteria naturally live in supplements ensure that you have the right balance of good bacteria imsyser intestinal cleanse reuterina adult daily health probiotic daily was 169 biogen for the results you want monima lance reuterina daily child health proroc junior was 178 biogen kan reuterina drops reuterina junior par supreme probiotic absa + dis-chem you up to 30% real cash back supreme probiotic was 229 drops 5ml beterina door terms and conditions or frasero de regatted crofessio roho