OK Furniture Catalogue - 2020/04/06-2020/04/19 (Page 2)

arra durability & style hisense at the lowest prices guaranteed save save r250 arran deposit r450 total payable r8969 at 22.25% int deposit r180 total payable r4007 at 22.25% int hisense titanium-silver finish bar fridge h12orts save r500 deposit r550 at 22.25% int hisense black mirror-door bottom-freezer fridge with water dispenser h360bmi-wd save r500 deposit r200 total payable r4724 at 22.25% int hisense white chest freezer cash price hisense metallic bottom-freezer fridge with water dispenser h359bi-wd arating aenergy arating save r300 hisense white twin-tub washing machine total payable r6139 at 22.25% int save r300 hisense white twin-tub washing machine total payable r6645 at 22.25% int save r70 deposit r80 r71 x 30 months total payable r2120 at 22.25% int hisense white manual microwave oven h2omowh save r200 deposit r110 total payable r3125 at 22.25% int hisense metallic electronic microwave oven h28momme inverter linear save r500 save r500 bero chest freezer deposit r600 at 22.25% int warranty new gear deposit r950 at 22.25% int glg metallic bottom-freezer fridge with water dispenser gc-f459nljz save r150 deposit r150 total payable r3628 at 22.25% int hisense metallic microwave oven h36 mommi 36€ hisense gero dstv samsung volkano defy wahl