Shoprite Catalogue - 2022/06/15-2022/06/15

Shoprite Catalogue - 2022/06/15-2022/06/15
shoprite topbrands under 9⁹⁹ save small chicken pizza each card fried baby hake per 100g htyisemberup under cheaper than last year wednesday is market day home of the save in-store standard brown bread each brown bread dough 1kg card bread sweet potatoes cheaper than last year white toasted dagwood carrots ge for ust esep hemogado 9⁹ carrots 1kg bag cheaper than last year cheaper than last year lemons lemons 800g bag under tehtning elleramenti save avocados with card clementines 14⁹⁹ save apples clementines 1kg bog jolly juranc with card sweet potatoes 1kg bog 3kg beertante each red apples skg bag follow us on lower prices you can trust always cheaper than last year cheaper than last year oranges oranges 1kg bog jam swiss roll 625g each