SPAR Catalogue - 2020/05/12-2020/05/24 (Page 8)

sparⓡ kewards instant savings join the spar rewards programme rewards free shopping members will be randomly selected every month to win their shopping for free! register in store or download the spar app today! spar butcher's best red or smoked viennas cherche spar cream cheese brick asst blossom lite spread tub 1kg alla roff bro hoff off spar butcher's best chicken or chicken with cheese viennas blue ribbon blue ribbon classic or bb white bread sliced spar rooibos tagless teabags r2 off roff roff spar choc creams or oat-crunch biscuits asst grams nestlé aero chocolate slab asst imbo red speckled beans imbo thi creams roff off woof spar woof dog chunks libresse maxi sanitary pads asst multi-buy buy any 2 and get 8kg libresse pantyliners asst multi-buy buy any 2 and get ro off asst roff ro off koex alpha male or spa body lotions asst kotex tampons asst finish finish water saving value pack - tablets 42's and koex r2 off tonal off save south africa's water t's & c's apply for customer queries