Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 22)

Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 22)
making bath time fun toddlers love getting messy much foam soaps and bath crayons it foam is great for sensory exploration while bath crayons can be used to draw on the bath and body - encouraging creativity and fine they'll be getting! it's a win-win situation you can find these products at most dis-chem stores handling tantrums clinical psychologist dr rebecca schrag tantrum behaviour is critically important and you are able to keep your cool during your it will pass relatively quickly and painlessly." she recommends a number of mistake empathy for permissiveness toddlers find it reassuring when you • imitate actions and words • be interested in other children but at this stage will still only play • show interest in using the toilet • show affection towards familiar people • be shy or nervous with strangers or new places • display separation anxiety which peaks around 18 months • fight for independence • become frustrated when they cannot do things properly have temper tantrums around 18 months old and can continue to 36 months old or hungry? then try to respond as if you were living your best life - well rested relaxed and well-fed them the space they need to express themselves and try to understand and may use one hand more than the • point to show what they want • point to identify people or objects shaking head no "please choose a book and give it to daddy." by two years old of loving touch can be very calming would to a good friend in your situation getting all social & emotional your child is making so many new experiencing big emotions which they don't really understand and can't they act out' - they are not trying to be worried about your child's development? milestones develop throughout means they will probably be able to do most of them by their second healthcare provider to put your mind and then accept that a 2-year-old cannot most children can only start to do this from for them to master it even how you could have dealt with it better this insight will help you with the next one