Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 96)

running chance that the expert staff won't be on duty shoe for its looks - it is functionality out a variety of options it will pay in the long run to purchase the right pair of running shoes ask any runner why they run-and bit of time to hear them out! from the more conventional reasons such as the and huge stress and anxiety relief - to the more mystical and philosophical such as the insights and personal growth that running affords but somewhere in the midst of the conversation - runners will probably voice the attractiveness of running accessibility in most places in the world with summer holidays approaching running has got to be very high on the are already a runner - you know this and probably wonder why non-runners haven't figured this out yet assuming you are really keen to get running but think that you have to be be 'fat-free' to even consider getting started - think again! in fact - just look at you will be amazed at the cross-section of body-shapes and ages of participants that said - whilst all you might need to get going is the right pair of running shoes to suit your biomechanics and some running kit - there is a bit more you need to know before hitting the road make an appointment with your doctor to get medical consent if you are a man over 45 years or woman over 55 years of • you live an inactive or sedentary lifestyle • you are a smoker • you have a family history of heart disease you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure foot-related problems - get them might recommend a few strengthening exercises or some rehabilitation before barrier to you - but rather address any issues before you begin - than pick up holiday and trying to make the best of get going buying the right pair of running shoes can be rather daunting - but running in a pair that are the wrong size - or not suited to your biomechanics could ruin your running career before it's comprehensive running assessment with a podiatrist who is a running analysis and assess your biomechanics running shoe that will work best for you store where the sales staff are well informed and patient sole can be reviewed your feet are more likely to be a little shoes that are about one to one and shoes to accommodate this swelling find a pair of seamless running socks offering cushioning on the heel and you are well on your way to getting started the rest of your kit can be pretty basic bug bites and you want to wear more aside from the well documented benefits of running - here are a few more alternative ones that might be just what you need to ignite the desire to run • running is like a passport to is a language of its own and can be conscious individuals who love the outdoors and are passionate about is especially useful for those who really inspiring holiday read is roger robinson's book "when running made that the running movement has had movement and environmentalism running communities are generally very welcoming to newcomers travellers and foreigners - so when visiting an area - check out their local club or group runs and make contact