Dis-Chem Catalogue - 2019/12/01-2020/02/29 (Page 97)

rules! by kathleen mcquaide sports scientist at • when travelling - even if you aren't keen to run with a group - you can use an app such as map my run in the area that could work for you talking about apps and monitoring devices - if you enjoy collecting and analyzing data - watching trends and projecting forward - running is for you! not only can you measure multiple metrics - a gps device allows you to collect valuable information to revisit it on your screen at any increasingly happening on digital platforms - you can choose to share your training on platforms such as strava - receiving recognition and "kudos" from fellow runners following and eye-opener as you find out where in the world your running friends are adventuring! if you are on an incentivised health insurance programme where you need to accumulate physical activity points - running is a winner on all since running is a demanding activity tough workout -plus you don't need access to a gym or any special facilities to reach your target - and it's for free • running has got to be the best way and explore whenever highly sensory experience imagery rewarding your journey on foot almost enforces mindfulness which in a nutshell means being acutely present the process of watching where your foot lands negotiating rocks slippery surfaces taking in gorgeous scenery - you find yourself concentrating on that liberating experience! • running can help you discover new places and new friends both be surprised if you find yourself exchanging contact details or social media profiles with someone who was a complete stranger that you bumped into on a run-only to find out hours later that you have so much in common and want to stay connected and finally - if you keep it simple inexpensive and armed level of commitment to train regularly - you have what it takes to venture on your journey to become benefits 95