Barbeques Galore Catalogue - 17/04-31/08/2020 (Page 7)

Barbeques Galore Catalogue - 17/04-31/08/2020 (Page 7)
austwood is sure to become the centrepiece in any home the austwood heater to suit your space includes a wide viewing glass to enjoy the fire push button control and 10 year firebox warranty lachlan insert modern design coverage peak heat output up to 280m? max log size 10.8kw construction up to 7.5hrs fire box size 6mm burn time burn ica an initiative of the australian home efficiency this model australian standard this model australian standard particle emissions lachlan modern design coverage up to 300m2 max log size peak heat output 12.3kw construction 6mm burn time up to 8.5hrs fire box size burn wise heating association this model efficiency australian standard this model particle emissions australian standard dentes