BCF Catalogue - 01/02-13/02/2023 (Page 11)

BCF Catalogue - 01/02-13/02/2023 (Page 11)

Products in this catalogue

club bce price regular price nomad hardbody lures autotune trolling system built to withstand big fish equipped with bkk hooks ultra realistic baitfish colours nomad design tufflock club bch price off regular price hardbody lures by rapala nomad design from $19⁹⁹ nomad vertrex max & swim vibes traditional nomad colours unique action swims on the drop maximum vibaration bkk viper trebles from $24.⁹⁹ nomad tufflock braid & leader tufflock fc hybrid $24⁹⁹ tufflock fc from $29⁹⁹ nomad dayad tufflock tufflock hybrid nomad centre balance jig flutters on the fall club bce price 5x strong bkk assist hooks regular price nomad jigs nomad nomad design tufflock tufflock meliss club bc price off regular price all lures by classic lures rob gaden bomber stump jumper wounded bait fish braid available in orange and multicolour