Harvey Norman Catalogue - 04/08-31/12/2021 (Page 9)

fisher & paykel chilled luxury the fisher & pasikel integrated refrigeration ranse is designed to blend seamlessly with an understated aesthetic elegant design beautiful to use the integrated column refrigeration system allows you to mix and match fridge and freezer pairs or install separately to achieve true design freedom this range has been created so you can customise it with your own bespoke kitchen cabinetry appliances with the stainless steel door panel accessories for a super to 94 bottles.woth four offerent protect against the affects of advanced temperature control dades of production escher paritel ottitor to startondobore debladet food modele fridge.chil and the produtores feher drid column det er lett hoge rselisikii de bottened column wine contoh hinge rund wested column free premium ingredients like searood and meat will stay freshbr for longer when stored in chill mode compared to regular pridge temperatures