JB Hi-Fi Catalogue - 01/09-30/09/2022 (Page 30)

life tech feature smart moves billion smartphone users globally today - that's 83.37 per cent devices have become an integral part of our daily lives and continue to get smarter with the launch of new iterations words adam colby aking and taking conventional calls has become almost secondary to smartphone functionality can be overwhelming and when it's time to upgrade to a new model are five questions you should ask yourself before pulling the trigger on a new phone purchase how will i use it? the first and most important smartphone? today's phones provide instantly save dollars by crossing off features that you won't need whether you're into socials smartphone out there to suit every lifestyle and budget what do i need from the camera? systems and the tech that runs them continues september 2022 to advance at a rapid for capturing the best if you only really use the camera in a general of 12mp how much storage space will i need? can quickly fill up if you're an limits come in several sizes to suit your needs with 128gb a common standard on today's more than sufficient for everyday use like apps cards to expand the memory if space gets tight how long does the battery last? this one's a no-brainer - you'll want the visit stack.com.au features we love this live language translation multilingual marvel powered by google allows real time chat in translation using the camera night photography large image sensors and processing software ensure you don't lose conditions app switching enjoy easy control of apps on the opened ones to split-screen and pop- up view when multitasking of functions and a high-resolution screen will consume more it lasts depends entirely on feature energy-saving modes to reduce background information like apps and can deliver a full charge within around two hours is it durable enough? phones get a lot of use and are consequently prone to accidental knocks and drops will stand up well to everyday comes to weathering the screen protector and case are essential accessories premium models can be well protected with super- strong glass and tough jbhifi.com.au jb hi-fi