JB Hi-Fi HOLIDAYS 2021 Catalogue - 02/12-15/12/2021 (Page 9)

jom audio-technica bluetooth bookshelf bluetooth speakers off lp2x fully automatic turntable • belt-drive turntable off ticket -169 $70 offa ticket $429 ticket $179 off jom spun out bluetooth turntable & 78 rpm $130 off $30 off^ bluetooth waudio-technica audio-technica wharfedale burley off off bluetooth lp6ox fully automatic turntable atlpboxbk atlpgoxrd off off off ticket $5449 ticket 264 ticket 289 ticket $299 lpgoxusb fully automatic turntable • belt drive tumtable • convert your vinyl records to digital audio files ticket 449 marley get together duo bookshelf bluetooth speakers marley stir-it-up wireless bluetooth turntable $199 pr bluetooth bookshelf speaker $449 pr $100 offa bluetooth casio stadium bebob pioneer dj usb ticket 1219 professional microphone use with gaming instruments & interviews sou cloud usb 다 usb off ondon ticket $2691 novation hot price off launchkey mini mk3 novlkmnmk3 usb ticket 118 streaming dj beginner controller gracken roll up digital drumkit • built in speakers drumstick and pedals included $50 off^ price til jb hi-fi the perfect gift does exist! gift cift cards never expire! buy instore or scan to instantly buy online!