Myer Catalogue - 20/08-01/09/2019 (Page 3)

our father's day families to get a true insight into the feeling of beautiful families kris smith rachael finch adam liaw of two kris joined us for a day of play with his absolutely beautiful 8-month new granddaughter for the first time the happiness in the room was palpable when we joined wellness entrepreneur rachael finch and husband michael miziner with the couple have teamwork down to a fine art the celebrated chef and dad of two was happy to invite us into his family fold where we discovered he is soon to be a proud dad of three! he believes fatherhood requires needs change as they grow "it starts the minute they all this love and affection you're a hero to them." kris smith "michael is really hands on and we share the load 50 50 the modern household." "being a father is not just time with my kids." adam liaw rachael finch