Officeworks Catalogue - 08/12-05/01/2023 (Page 4)

offw 0084 $6⁹8 900g dough tubs available in bright fluoro or pastel colours ecksoflu ecksopas eckopri kadink from a.2 pack wooden rollings pins $7.98 kdwdrolpnz b.4 pack wooden face stampers c.6 pack animal shape cutters $4.98 kdanmlcute kadink colorific www 500g pastel plasticine blocks display accessories not included bright dough fluoro dough plasticine plasticine plasticine law so pastel dough 2kg magic sand with moulds •holds shape for moulding and cutting available in purple or natural kdmsnomnat kdmsndmpur kadink plasticine colorific plasticine brant & play magic sensory sand with moulds magic sensory sand with moulds summer creations! gives the kids a stack of ways to have fun whilst exploring their creativity !!!!!! officeworks december