Priceline Pharmacy Catalogue - 02/07-31/08/2022 (Page 56)

Priceline Pharmacy Catalogue - 02/07-31/08/2022 (Page 56)
the thought of icy water and foggy mornings is enough to community of swimming devotees are embracing a wintry splash from mood-boosting endorphins to a surprising immune response we're diving into the benefits of cold-water swimming this winter coined the 'cold-shock response' our body's initial reaction to frosty waters can range from a rapid heart rate to raised blood pressure and quickened seems contradictory to the supposed health benefits of taking the plunge but evidence points to advantages that far outweigh this temporary discomfort plunge with an uptick of swimmers diving in this winter it seems it's cool to be cold in response to the sudden temperature drop that accompanies a wintry frolic our white blood cell count is boosted make a splash it may be tempting to dive straight in experts warn it can intensify cold shock light cardio to warm your body from inside before easing into colder waters take the priming the body to fight other shock defence mechanisms into action this explains why regular cold-water swimmers are less likely to succumb discomfort can also decrease our body's equipped to deal with life's stressors the wim hof method-championed with this winter or join a social swimming and can lend a hand if you find yourself especially important when it comes to open-water courses physical and mental training program advocating for swimming under ice basic principles can be applied to your dip is the perfect choice for anyone with muscles without any weight-bearing what about swimmer's? due to a surge of and with cold water supercharging this and healthier when you resurface logical to have a steamy shower after best way to beat the chill is to have a set of dry clothes and a hot drink ready