Priceline Pharmacy Catalogue - 23/03-12/04/2023 (Page 8)

Priceline Pharmacy Catalogue - 23/03-12/04/2023 (Page 8)
cover story eeting alison brahe-daddo for the first time feels a little like deja vu - it's tough to shake the feeling you've met her before it's more than just her warm smile and laid-back nature covers of our favourite magazines and fashion campaigns she married dreamboat actor cameron daddo and moved with the grounded sense of calm she displays at our you magazine cover shoot; her international move coincided with the beginning of a hormonal shift that comes for so that caught her off guard change gang the word perimenopause once in her life at this point to cope with what she now knows were the symptoms of perimenopause - the hormonal stage before menopause that can last years - she did what she'd always done during self-care at the bottom of the list and felt isolated and alone." trying to white-knuckle her way through it only added to the with menopause as it did with her move home alison daddo queen menopause mayhem or listen finding your majesty in the mayhem to learn more about alison's journey read her book queen your majesty in the to her podcast separate bathrooms with her husband cameron daddo telling tales since writing her book and exchanging stories with others alison has learned that her experience is not a singular one "we're so used to dealing with discomfort - from period pain and having children to aching bodies and swinging moods from our hormonal cycle - that we get really good at setting value comes from caring for others that there's often shame in really caring for ourselves and putting our needs ahead of you're alone with your symptoms and not getting support says talking to friends and finding a doctor and a naturopath do i do? because this is brutal."" there was a clear divide in the narrative around menopause "it was either a social death sentence - the end of sexuality and being visible and really mattering in society - or something you came out the other side of feeling more empowered than bright horizon "i had to learn to put my own needs higher up on my list of care of anyone else if you're not taking care of yourself," one major change has been with her inner voice - she's love with all the physical changes i went through but i have the message alison has for those in the throes of get support; talk to your family as well as a doctor who understands menopause and will take the time to help you and grateful for the balance i have in my body and mind