Woolworths Catalogue - 20/04-26/04/2022 (Page 7)

autumn health & beauty cold and flu essentials to keep on hand may help thin nasal secretions dettol save strepfen save healthy touch water intensive honey&lemon flavour flurbiprofen 8.75mg severe sore throat relief works for up to 4 hours anti-inflammatory action fights pain and inflammation instan hand sant strepfen intensive throat lozenges honey & lemon pk 16- 44€ per ea from the moon of strepsils dettol instant hand sanitiser refresh 500ml analgesic+ vicks vapo drops +cough sore throat lozenges honey lemon pk 36- 18° per ea price save save save new lozenges cenovis vicks new advil minis liquid capsules pk 20- advil cenovis sugarless 500mg tablets pk 160# vapodrops alcor ad vitamin 250m gent ascorbic acid 250 28€ per ea buprofen 200 mg minis relieves pain fast capsules +cough cough nose-throat honey lemon menthol jlife.space difflam extra 15-day bonus pack save sore throat spray forte benzydamine save naturally sourced probiotics save broad spectrum probiotic life space broad spectrum probiotic pk 40# life space diffiam forte throat spray 15ml- ki immune defence & energy formula tablets pk 45# immune defence & energy formula astragalus shiitake olive leaf traditionally used in chinese and western herbal medicine to enhance inne system function & body energy reserves enhanced cheng doce the code scooth tocadigeti per capsule wat veryday hest and where mandi bedded dairy orghe fresn mint anti-inflammatory targeted rolet womeroon hyrchio ben gri