Terry White Catalogue - 09/07-28/07/2020 (Page 2)

Products in this catalogue

which pain relief medication? for infants and children come in several you can choose from and speaking to your pharmacist will help you understand which is most suitable for find your child's weight knowing exactly how much pain relief medication to give your child is dependant ✓ know your weight first scales to find combined weight ✓ subtract your own weight from the combined weight ✓ remaining weight will be your child's weight ask for dosing guidance from your doctor or pharmacist your child tablets & suppositories speak to your terrywhite chemmart pharmacist for expert advice on which type of pain medication may be best for check your medicine expiry how long since you've cleaned your medicine stash? now could be the perfect time to expired if you find out of date medication or returning your unwanted medicines to your secure bin for safe collection and disposal' storing your medicine together in one single safely away from children your child as many as 1 in 4 children experience chronic pain and about understanding children's pain of children have moderate to severe pain back to them may help them feel like you have understood them be the best person to understand if they're in pain and how you can support them no hurt hurts little bit hurts hurts even more hurts a lot hurts worst