Avon Flyer - 11/14-12/13/2019 (Page 155)

tealish purify tealish tealish cleanse green tea green tea orange pieces dandelion apple calendula safflower natural benter colletin detox detox du matin collectie beaute collectie detox herbal tea peppermint spearmint rosehip calendula detox du soir teenbeth relax drift off to dreamland tealish tealish behutea collection chill out sebutla collection beautea sleep chill out herbal tea lemon verbena petals chamomile passionflower linden flower lemon balm blackberry cornflower natural pause détente beautea sleep herbal tea rooibos chamomile linden flower passionflower cranberry lemon balm lemon verbena valerian natural flavours sommeil de beau-the colleen the