Costco Flyer - 11/01-12/31/2019 (Page 33)

special section it for your entertainment buyer's pick costco canada jeffrey mosier photography claudine yelle martha hall kelly blossoms once again a week- end of leisurely read- bit of history about which i knew nothing alll can do is thank author martha hall kelly for this month's book buyer's pick lilac girls inspired by true tells the story of new york socialite caroline for a group of con- centration camp survivors known as the ravensbrück "rabbits." ferriday along with a female nazi physician and posite based on narrators of this powerful novel you'll want to share this book with everyone you know available in early november in most costco warehouses hope and love grow from tragedy in lilac girls by lisa alcalay klug ostco member martha hall kelly was grieving the loss of her mom in may 2000 when her husband suggested she could take mother's day as a day for herself kelly had treasured a 1999 victoria magazine article about the bellamy-ferriday house in vintage typewriter and photographs "i was drawn to a smaller photograph of 50 middle-aged ladies lined up in a row," says kelly she discovered the women had been subjected to nazi experiments during world war ii struggles and triumphs of unsung women and terrible secrets hidden for decades "i had a wonderful tour guide,” kelly says from and bacteria were put in their legs to test the efficacy around like rabbits." she says kelly felt drawn to the estate's trove of documents relating to ferriday and her involvement with the rabbits.” she also felt deeply connected to the place the unfolding saga inspired her to keep exploring with no particular goal or purpose in mind "i went back every couple of months and would just check in and look for things i hadn't seen already," that changed lilac girls