Costco Flyer - 04/01-04/30/2023 (Page 28)

Costco Flyer - 04/01-04/30/2023 (Page 28)
clockwise caring for plants may include sheltering them from cold weather; watering plants to keep roots moist; covering seedlings to protect them from the sun and birds; replacing faded annuals with those bet- ter suited to the climate with those required by the plant overcome this limitation by growing plants from seeds indoors or purchase starts to transplant for those plants that require a longer growing season choosing cold-tolerant plants so gardeners can enjoy gardening in the shoulder sea- also based on a plant's ability to tolerate cold soil and air temperatures jump-start the growing season or extend it past the first fall frost with sea- transplants-or your harvest-from chilly frames and mini tunnels to create micro- to overwinter tender perennial vegetables many gardeners choose to incorporate recommends talking with nearby gardeners to find out what works in your immediate mendations from local university sources and consult with plant experts to help with plant selection and sense of ambience that helps reduce way you will have time to relax and enjoy the efforts of your labour master's degree in horticulture and is an author water wise water new plantings often enough in the first few weeks to keep the roots moist but not soggy gradually reduce frequency so you will be watering thoroughly but less often watering frequency varies plants you are growing proper watering helps plants develop robust more drought-tolerant root or wood chips over the soil surface away from tree the crowns of perennials these organic mulches help conserve moisture suppress weeds and improve the soil as they decompose and moderate soil temperature.-mm