Costco Flyer - 10/01-11/30/2021 (Page 144)

member connection member info who karleen ami location montreal occupation craft services for film and tv crews best part of job making people happy by giving them food that will comfort and nourish them through their hard day costco quote "i purchase my meats exclusively from checking out the new ideas for the mini- meals i make." moveable feast karleen ami started working in the film industry in 2013 as a production assistant and now runs a mobile craft services canteen comforting snacks for the stressed," she says whips up light meals for cast and crew mem- "i get text messages from my cast and “i once won an on-set lottery and found out everyone had bought tickets and wrote my vated."-wendy helfenbaum clockwise karleen ami inside her retrofitted trailer turned custom kitchen; serving up smiles; ami prepares food for on-set cast and crew members