Costco Flyer - 09/01-09/30/2021 (Page 56)

extra steps against alzheimer's disease researchers have found these additional • if you're under 65 shoot for a body mass • quit smoking and avoid exposure to tobacco smoke of which reduce the risk of dementia food choices and exercise regularly to curb to your head can wreak havoc on your brain shield yourself by snapping on your seat biking or skating against high blood pressure by eating well pressure drops when you sit up or stand may affect brain health healthy by preparing for major life transi- tions such as retiring or moving out of your ence feelings of sadness or hopelessness for more than two weeks health issue that contributes to alzheimer's combat it by practicing deep breathing and other relaxation strategies tested to see if you have hyperhomocystein- triggers blood clots and increases your risk for alzheimer's and other dementias whether you take one step at a time of your brain's health is in your hands get plenty of sleep • keep your heart healthy with diet and exercise appears to increase alzheimer's risk every step you take here are some steps you can take to your healthy weight from your diet or as a supplement • don't use acetylcho- linesterase inhibitors if you're showing signs of cognitive decline these medications may help with symptoms of memory loss but they don't address the root cause of memory loss.-agi ana gascon ivey is a health writer and editor based in atlanta and miami raise awareness want to learn more about alzheimer's disease including help and support for loved ones living with finding out about the most up-to-date research? from its history of sup- porting canadians living with the disease to the impact the organization is making today and its vision for the future the alzheimer society of great resource and place more information email info@ or call 1-800-