Dominion Flyer - 01/09-01/15/2020 (Page 8)

Dominion Flyer - 01/09-01/15/2020 (Page 8)
from the greenhouse to your house whoever said you can't make oy you atlantic multi less than 2 $1.69 ea belelsle dav susan nors montcalcades canada canada call chaine ror cole slaw salade de choux coleslaw product of atlantic canada greenhouse red tomatoes on the vine farmer's market mini cucumbers odo strawberries canada canada canada costo axiany pc axiany cherry tomatoes pazazz apples product of atlantic canada pc greenhouse strawberries ambrosia sen sil atlantic farmers mais sda ester micino atlantic canada rouges farmers market ambrosia or mcintosh apples product of atlantic canada canada no.1 grade potatoes product of atlantic canada canada no.1 grade english cucumbers each from our chefs available in the deli pack wonder to 100g or chicken artisan style deli meat roasts some #lunchwins mix & match son wonder bread selected varieties see selection in stre wonder wonder onder wonde onch was selected varieties selection hand crafted store roasted made with natural ingredients or phosphates made for super bowl make plant-based eating part of your new year's resolution! laiv super bowl yves nes nfl yves official sponsors of super bowl liv buyu pute ground round sausage yen wie wedges bucket served hot family pack veggie dogs vecge cuesine testtesttiladi - 26 exoxes sep tiche www optimum january 9 - 15 get 3,500 optimum ricket combie a b eleveyton sur rady mel dipart al maria are property of their respective owners used under konce for every $10* spent on any yves products be bee