Independent Flyer - 07/11-07/17/2019 (Page 13)

% agropur logo on the bottom au fond new agropor less sugar* agropur fruit loco on the bottom au fond fruit on the botton abond less sugar moins de sucre whole milk elait entie lenter togo strawberry rabarb detty shembentury fraise fantas iögo fruit on the bottom iögo fruit on the bottom strawberries raspberries and fruit coconut smoothie on the botto au fond ingredients strawberry-raspberry yogurt blend all ingredients and serve visit jögo gogoness sealed thballage saveur jögo iögo smoothies iögo protein creamy ¡ögo creamy greek protein iogo logo protene greek grec grotem pogo iögo logo protein smoothie poten cream creamy creme crimeve plain natur ralut agropus iögo nano iögo nano ret sugur added see suere ratine joute iögo nano jögo jögo nano yogurt tubes nano nano iogo non jögo nano real fruit trais fruits loco nalno strawberry tourimitnmhole milk yogout av utente fraise dairy farmers of canada quality milk