Loblaws - Holiday 2020 Flyer - 11/12-12/23/2020 (Page 10)

Loblaws - Holiday 2020 Flyer - 11/12-12/23/2020 (Page 10)
cara barbecue chicken steamed buns ell butter dufp pastry páte feuilletée au vant pains a la vapeur poulet barbecue puffy like it's from scratch just what you need to make buttery of puffiness crowd- pleasing appies chicken and ooh! you've got magic pcⓡ butter puff pastry frozen pcⓡ barbecue chicken steamed buns fully cooked bac gar indian indiens spread of surefire favourites full-flavoured menu inspired by our most popular indian recipes pcⓡ indian hors d'oeuvre collection frozen cara sea salt purple kernel grains mauves merce breader avocado bites bouchées pites almond medley mélange d'amandes solo sparkling gove ale water pcⓡ breaded avocado bites frozen pcⓡ sea salt purple kernel popcorn pcⓡ chocolate & ruby cocoa almond medley pce sparkling water ginger ale flavour loblaws o@loblawson lsl gg 10