M&M Food Market - Holiday 2020 Flyer - 11/12-01/07/2021 (Page 5)

classic holiday appetizers take a bite of some holiday nostalgia with these classic comfort appetizers that pack a modern twist thai sweet and spicy dipping sauce ars appetizers of great taste our asian party pack is part of our 40 years of at mmfood market.com asian party pack bite-size crispy flour tortillas bursting with black beans or chicken colourful veggies and classic taco flavours puff pastries with savoury fillings • goat cheese tomato & basil emmental cheese spinach & ricotta new recipe chicken and pineapple mini-skewers taco bites hors d'oeuvre quartet more savoury bites game day party pack • indian party pack •cheesy pizza rolls •pepperoni pizza rolls ·dry garlic pork •mini dry pork ribs .mini franks in pastry •fully cooked popcorn chicken classic french style mini quiche