No Frills Flyer - 09/30-10/06/2021 (Page 2)

Products in this flyer

happy diwali indian eggplant or opo squash product of dominican republic or long eggplant product of u.s.a aubergine ou courge red mangoes product of brazil mangues rouges spinach product of canada or u.s.a or methi leaf product of canada bunched épinards ou feuilles de fenugrec indian red carrots product of india carottes rouges garlic sinoy box bebe okra bhindi 4.34 kg gombo ou racine de gingembre ou rapini menthe ou coriandre ou ail dried fruits pruits seches drd fruits fruits seches amira anos naturelles natural alwonom noek de grenoble ouveals veau amica amira walnut halves & pieces amira almonds amandes noix de grenoble just and original roti • frontier original originale original bakery pita letic ριται stile lisan duen sic lebanese pitas selected varieties crispy roti selected varieties roti crispy pound cakes selected varieties goteaux quatre-quarts pitos onune et 02 nfo available at select locations only