Princess Auto Flyer - 06/01-05/01/2022 (Page 38)

Princess Auto Flyer - 06/01-05/01/2022 (Page 38)

Products in this flyer

manual transfer pumps | extractors farm manual fuel and oil transfer pumps flow rate housing material cast iron for use with item price kerosene and petroleum cast iron polypropylene nbr steel cast iron polypropylene and steel diesel and light lubricating oil other light petroleum products aluminum aluminum manual transfer pumps brand name flow rate housing material for use with item price powerfist polypropylene powerfist steel powerfist polypropylene fuelworks plastic heavy and low-viscosity oils corrosive and non-vaporized solutions low-viscocity fluids kerosene and lubricant powerfist polyethylene polypropylene powerfist powerfist polypropylene powerfist brass pist extractors differential fluids • quickly and easily extracts fluids capacity price fluid and general-purpose cleaners