T&T Supermarket - Waterloo Flyer - 04/16-04/22/2021 (Page 8)

bakery mange 名果变 委 fresh mango cake 鮮芒果蛋糕 molten mango yogurt cheese cake 芒果流心優格芝士蛋糕 black glutinous rice mango bread 紫糯米芒果麵包 fresh mango lava cake 鮮芒果爆漿蛋糕 stal t-tapt。 the anger fresh mango layer cake 鮮芒果夾心蛋糕 broiled mango milky cheese tart 芒果烤奶芝士撞 big mango bread 巨大芒果酥菠蘿麵包 with panna cotta napoleon mango cake roll 拿破倫芒果蛋糕卷 fresh mango milky ball 鮮芒果奶喷喷 photos are for reference only 圖片僅供參考