T&T Supermarket Flyer - 07/24-07/30/2020 (Page 6)

T&T Supermarket Flyer - 07/24-07/30/2020 (Page 6)

Products in this flyer

ottawa store only 限首都分店 t&t kitchen 栽革小脚 自日本江戶時代流傳至今的季節限定飲食文化 日本人認為在每年夏天最熱的時間「土用丑日」 食用鰻魚,可消暑開胃增強元氣。富含營養價值 的鰻魚製作成各款美味的壽司料理,這個夏天一定 不能錯過! 曼 unagi 料理 unagi is the japanese word for freshwater eel it has been consumed since the japanese edo period japanese people eat the eel most frequently during the enjoy the delicious and nutritious unagi this summer 魚 东 jumbo deluxe new 新商品 je unagi sushi set 鰻魚壽司組 蒲燒鰻魚 原條 限量供應,請於4小時前預訂 full piece unagi top of nigiri sushi alongside with salad and tamago as a perfect combination 原像蒲燒鰻覆蓋著飯綱,豪邁地吃上整尾 元氣滿滿!另附上沙拉及甜蛋,豐美味 完美搭配! unagi sushi 鰻魚壽司 unagi 燒烤鰻魚 $699rea 盒 unagi don golden dragon sushi roll 火龍卷 unagi crab meat sushi roll 鰻魚蟹肉卷 鰻魚飯 $749 bow new 新商品 new 新商品